Generative AI Use Cases for Industries and Enterprises

Predicts 2022: Generative AI Is Poised to Revolutionize Digital Product Development

The widespread use of generative artificial intelligence has raised public awareness of its ability to increase productivity and efficiency, as well its risks. Chances are, you’ve heard a lot about ChatGPT in particular and, more broadly, generative AI over the past few months. As the technology and its adoption continue to rapidly develop, we’re joined by Gartner VP Analyst Svetlana Sicular, who works at the intersection of data and AI, to discuss the particulars of generative AI. In this episode, she covers generative AI’s potential to create designs or objects that humans may have otherwise missed. She also addresses the various use cases for generative AI and its ability to prove technology can be both transformational and a creative genius.

Below is a collection of the key announcements and insights coming out of the conference. Hopefully, 2024 will see us making headway towards solving some of the thorny issues around this technology. Though barriers to entry due to cost and ease of use may have crumbled in recent years, there are still issues around trust, bias, accessibility and regulation. Nguyen of Gartner Yakov Livshits suspects that Apple’s own generative AI projects will prominently appear in its products someday, but that the company probably won’t call it generative AI or even discuss that work until it is mature enough to be presented in a distinctive way. “I think if they talk about it the way everyone else has, then it seems more ‘Me too’ than is typical of Apple,” he says.

Gartner Glossary

David Groombridge, research vice president at Gartner, said CEOs and boards are striving to find growth through direct digital connections with customers. Gartner defines neuro-symbolic AI as a combination of machine learning and symbolic systems such as knowledge graphs in order to give an AI system a more contextual understanding of concepts and reduce hallucinations. Neuro-symbolic AI is estimated to require more than 10 years before it reaches mainstream adoption. Smart robots, responsible AI and neuromorphic computing, which uses spiking neural networks instead of deep neural networks to try to replicate the function of a biological brain, are reaching the peak of the hype cycle.

The quality of generative AI outputs depends on the combination of model selection, the knowledge base used, prompts, individual questions, and refinements. Therefore, institutions are ramping up efforts to teach staff, students, and faculty about the risks of generative AI and its appropriate use through the creation of relevant prompts and the evaluation of generative AI models. The education sector has rapidly evolved from generative AI denial to anxiety, fear, and partial acceptance.

Gartner Experts Answer the Top Generative AI Questions for Your Enterprise

In December of 2022, Gartner® also recognized IBM as a Leader in the Gartner Magic QuadrantTM for Insight Engines. Insight engines apply relevancy methods to discover, analyze, describe and organize content and data. They enable the interactive and proactive delivery or synthesis of information to people, and data to machines, in the context of their respective business moments. We believe IBM Watson Discovery‘s Applications use case with extract & enrich data capability catering to specific business domains as a key competitive differentiator. “Favorable” and “Critical” user reviews are selected using the review helpfulness score. The helpfulness score predicts the relative value a user receives from a given review based on a number of factors.

China and Singapore have already put in place new regulations regarding the use of generative AI, while Italy temporarily. And the coach is a Discriminator as he finds the strengths and weaknesses and gives back feedback to improvise. A Discriminator has two important tasks, to discriminate within the data and give feedback for the same. Hence Generator can be defined as the neuron which creates new data resembling the data on which it was trained(after finding the pattern underlying). And Discriminator can be defined as that neuron that discriminates between good and bad data and gives feedback. Pieter den Hamer, VP Analyst at Gartner, outlined how organizations can leverage and implement AI engineering.

Will we soon have our own personal AI Movie Buddy?

Yakov Livshits
Founder of the DevEducation project
A prolific businessman and investor, and the founder of several large companies in Israel, the USA and the UAE, Yakov’s corporation comprises over 2,000 employees all over the world. He graduated from the University of Oxford in the UK and Technion in Israel, before moving on to study complex systems science at NECSI in the USA. Yakov has a Masters in Software Development.

5 min read – Learn how to more effectively manage your attack surface to enhance your security posture and reduce the impact of data breaches. While proud of what we’ve accomplished this year, we remain focused on delivering solutions that drive true innovation and real business results to our clients and partners worldwide. We want to take a moment to thank our partners and customers who inspire our teams to continue to deliver AI-powered solutions that can drive real business results across the enterprise. In the recruiting function, generative AI can enhance recruiter efficiency, talent attraction and engagement, and improve the quality of hires.

gartner generative ai

Anti-plagiarism software targeting AI-generated content continues to evolve in response to results, faculty feedback, and student behaviors. In parallel, those students seeking to use generative AI for disreputable purposes continue to challenge assessment models through various tools and products designed to deliberately disguise or mask the embedded patterns of generative AI. To accelerate digital innovation, technology teams must go beyond cloud centers of competence.

Skeptics argue that relying on AI will lead to a decline in our cognitive abilities and logical reasoning. A recent survey of customer service professionals found adoption of Yakov Livshits AI had risen by 88% between 2020 and 2022. According to 2023 research, most people are concerned about the implications of generative AI on data security, ethics, and bias.

  • That means they’re poised to enter the Trough of Disillusionment, where expectations and investment are cooled before some companies settle on a truly practical and normalized use of the innovation.
  • By comparison, other respondents cite strategy issues, such as setting a clearly defined AI vision that is linked with business value or finding sufficient resources.
  • Gartner analyst Partha Iyengar advised CIOs to continue to educate the board on evolving technology related disruptions and set expectations appropriately at Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo on the Gold Coast.
  • The percent of organizations adopting any AI tools has held steady since 2022, and adoption remains concentrated within a small number of business functions.

Andrew Moloney, chief strategy officer for Softiron, a designer, manufacturer, and seller of data infrastructure products in London, maintained that the cloud-first/cloud-native model is where most larger organizations are at. “While all eyes are on AI right now, CIOs and CTOs must also turn their attention to other emerging technologies with transformational potential,” Gartner Vice President Analyst Melissa Davis explained in a statement. Looking ahead to the next three years, respondents predict that the adoption of AI will reshape many roles in the workforce. Nearly four in ten respondents reporting AI adoption expect more than 20 percent of their companies’ workforces will be reskilled, whereas 8 percent of respondents say the size of their workforces will decrease by more than 20 percent. Embracing generative AI as a transformative tool will propel us forward, driving innovation and unlocking new frontiers of human achievement. With the right perspective and approach, generative AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we work, learn and create.

“Users need more convenient and accurate options for unlocking their devices,” said CK Lu, research director at Gartner. The environmental impacts of generative AI will also be significant—particularly as many products rely on generative AI models that must be trained on massive datasets—a process that uses considerable electricity. Focusing on the evaluation of clear use cases, data-driven insights, and small-scale pilots to inform broader institutional AI strategies will likely remain the typical approach across the sector in the near term.

gartner generative ai

ChatGPT and other tools like it are trained on large amounts of publicly available data. They are not designed to be compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other copyright laws, so it’s imperative to pay close attention to your enterprises’ uses of the platforms. Laying in laymen language, the Discriminative Model discriminates between the data and answers it, for e.g if the image is of a car or bike. These machine-learning neural network models can now leverage billions of learning parameters and are additionally trained on large datasets. ChatGPT’s research release was trained on over 570 GB of data (from books and the internet) and was refined by human feedback.

Gartner Forecasts Worldwide AI Chips Revenue to Reach $53 … – Gartner

Gartner Forecasts Worldwide AI Chips Revenue to Reach $53 ….

Posted: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]






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